
Bash function support

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Function API


Returns success if $1 names a function


Declares the given function ($1) as an alias to another function ($2) that prints a deprecation warning.

$1 - Name of deprecated/renamed function

$2 - Name of new function to call


Makes a copy of named function ($1) as a new name ($2)


Overrides an existing function with a new body, copying the original function such that it can be called by the new function. e.g. 'func chain a b' installs 'a_b' as 'b'; 'a_b' can use 'a_b_next' to call the original 'b' (which may itself be a chained function).


Delets the name function ($1)


Saves a copy of the function ($1) using a new name ($2). Currently, this is an alias for func_copy(), but that may change.


Restores the function ($1) using a saved copy ($2), deleting the copy when finished.


Prints debug string of the caller function and arguments ($@)

Boolean Function Wrappers


Executes arguments ($@) and prints a boolean command that produces the same result: true or false. This function

$1 - Command

$@ - Command arguments (optional)

func bool_not()

Like func_bool(), executes a command ($@), but prints a boolean command that produces the complement of its result.

$1 - Command

$@ - Command arguments (optional)

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Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:37:11 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.23.0.