
Duration Measuring Support

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core/timer: Library Dependencies

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Timer Value


Prints the current time with nanoseconds.

Timer Variables


Prints name of variable that stores a boolean value indicating the running state of the given timer ($1).


Prints name of variable that stores the starting time of the given timer ($1).


Prints name of variable that stores the final time of the given timer ($1).


Prints name of an array variable that stores marks for the given timer ($1).

Timer Mark Interface

A timer mark is defined as the time an event occurred while the timer is running. This interface does not enforce any policy regarding the frequency, number, values, or ordering of marks. They simply must be valid time values formatted in the same manner as output by timer_now(). Their meaning is left to the user.


Saves a new mark ($2) for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.

$2 - Mark time. If null, obtains the current Timer Value.


Prints the list of marks for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.


Prints the number of marks for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.


Prints the first mark for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.


Prints the mark at the given index ($2) for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.

$2 - Index into mark array.


Computes and prints the difference between two marks ($2 and $3) for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.

$2 - First index into timer mark array.

$3 - Second index into timer mark array.

Timer Lap Interface

A timer lap is defined as the elapsed interval between two succesive

timer marks. Thus, `n saved marks will calculate n

1` lap intervals.


Prints the number of extant laps for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.


Checks the number of extant laps for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.

Returns: Succcess if the timer has recorded at least one lap.


Prints the elapsed time between two marks ($2 and $3) for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer.

$2 - First index into timer mark array.

$3 - Second index into timer mark array.


Prints the last lap interval for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer

Timer Query


Checks to see if the given timer ($1) exists.

$1 - Name of timer

Returns: Success if the timer exists.


Checks to see if the given timer ($1) is running.

$1 - Name of timer

Returns: Success if the timer is running.


Sets the running state ($2) for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer

$2 - New running state (true or false)

Timer Control


Stops the given timer ($1)

$1 - Name of timer


Stops the given timer ($1)

$1 - Name of timer

Timer Reporting


Prints a human readable version of the elapsed time for the given timer ($1).

$1 - Name of timer


Prints the total number of elapsed seconds with nanosecond resolution.

$1 - Name of timer

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Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:37:20 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.23.0.