# dev/package/check - Package Checking Support

set -e

lib_load 'dev/package/versions'
lib_load 'dev/package/dist'
lib_load 'dev/tool/make'
lib_load 'sys/tool/tar'

# Package Checking

package_check_clean() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1
	run rm -rf "$testdir"

package_check_clone() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1

	if [ -d .git ]; then
		git_clone_or_update . "$testdir"
	elif [ "$(pwd)" != "$(realpath "$testdir")" ]; then
		local rsync_archive=true
		run_mkdir "$testdir"
		rsync_run -a "${DIST[@]}" "$testdir"
	elif [ ! -d "$testdir" ]; then
		error "$testdir: directory does not exist"

package_check_build() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1

	run_pushd "$testdir"

	run ./bootstrap.sh
	make_run info

	make_run uninstall
	make_run install

	run git status --ignored


# Distribution Checking

package_check_flag_file() { echo "dist/.check.stamp"; }

package_check_passed() {
	#   - Saves the repository revision that was checked.
	git_rev_parse HEAD >"$(package_check_flag_file)"

# package_check_dist() - This function performs the actions required for
# implementing the ``distcheck`` rule in a package ``Makefile``.  Its goal
# is to verify that the package distribution archives work from
# beginning to the end.  This is accomplished by the following steps:
# $1 - Test directory
package_check_dist() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1

	[ -d "$testdir" ] || error "$testdir missing; did you run 'make check'?"

	app_echo "creating distribution archives"
	run sed -i -e 's,=debug$,=release,' "$testdir/system.i7"

	#   - Runs ``check-archive`` rule in the test directory.
	make_run -C "$testdir" check-archive

# package_check_archive() - This function performs the actions required for
# implementing the ``check-archive`` rule in a package ``Makefile``.  Its goal
# is to verify that a package distribution archive can be extracted,
# built, and tested.  This is accomplished by the following steps:
# $1 - Test directory
package_check_archive() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1
	local debug=true

	#   - Prepares the distribution archive for testing:

	#     - Removes the old test directory, if it exists.
	if [ -d "$testdir" ]; then
		app_echo "removing old test directory"
		run rm -rf "$testdir"
	#     - Extracts the archive to the test directory
	package_check_archive_extract "$testdir"

	#   - Builds and checks the extracted package archive
	package_check_archive_build "$testdir"

package_check_archive_extract() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1

	#     - Extracts the archive
	app_echo "extracting package distribution archive"
	local archive="$(package_dist_tarfile).$tar_file_extensions"
	local tar_verbose=true
	run tar_extract "$archive"

	#     - Moves extracted package directory to testing location
	local distdir=${archive##*/}
	run mv "${distdir%.tar*}" "$testdir"

package_check_archive_build() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1

	#     - Bootstrap script builds everything
	app_echo "running bootstrap in extracted archive"
	run_in_dir "$testdir" ./bootstrap.sh

	#     - Built-in test suites pass
	app_echo "running tests on extracted archive"
	make_run -C "$testdir" check

package_check_archive_clean() {
	has_args 1 "$@"
	local testdir=$1

	#     - Cleanup rules remove all generated files
	app_echo "removing generated files"
	make_run -C "$testdir" clean

	#   - Cleans up the test directory
	app_echo "removing extracted archive"
	run rm -rf "$testdir"

	app_echo "removing output files"
	make_run distclean

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Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:35:17 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.23.0.