
Package Installation Support

Dependency Graph

dev/package/install: Library Dependencies

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Library Configuration


Extension to use for tarballs. See the sys/tool/tar library for popular options.

Default: tar.gz

Local Host


Performs a local installation of the given package version ($1).

Remote Host


Performs a remote installation of the given package version ($1).

generate installer script

Install Script Support


Generates header for a script.


Generates script to extract tarball, bootstrap it, install it, and then clean up after itself.

Install Scripts


Generates script to install on the local host.


Generates script to install on a remote host

Network Install Script


Generates script to download a package tarball and install it on the local machine.


Generates the portion of a network installer script that downloads the package tarball from the location specified by the package settings.

The download URL is generated from the following package settings:


All-In-One Installer Script


Generates a script that contains the distribution files for the given package version ($1) encoded as a here document that can extract itself when the installer is run.

$1 - Package version

This function performs the following steps to generate the script:

  • Generates but saves the contents function. We do this first, as it will fail if the distribution file is missing.
  • Prints the script header
  • Prints the saved function that contains the encoded distribution contents.
  • Prints a function to unpack the embedded script contents.
  • Prints a function to performs the local installation


Generates portion of all-in-one installer script that unpacks the embedded distribution files.


Generates the portion of all-in-one installer script that contains the embedded distribution contents. The package files are embedded as an encoded here document that decodes its contents when called.

$1 - Version of package distribution to include in the installer script.

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Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:37:42 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.23.0.