# ssh - ssh command support library

set -e

net_tool_ssh_config_init() {
	lib_setting_vars ssh_user
	lib_setting_vars --null ssh_host ssh_port
	lib_setting_vars --null ssh_identity ssh_logfile

	lib_setting_vars ssh_background ssh_no_stdin ssh_no_login ssh_force_pty
	lib_setting_arrays ssh_remote_portmap

# Internal functions

ssh_target() { echo "$ssh_user@$ssh_host"; }

# Public interface

# run_ssh() - Runs the ``ssh`` program using the options determined
# by the active settings.
run_ssh() {
	[ "$ssh_host" ] || error "run_ssh: \$ssh_host is not set"

	local -a opts=( )
	[ -z "$ssh_port" ] || opts+=( -p "$ssh_port" )

	if [ "$ssh_identity" ]; then
		[ -f "$ssh_identity" ] \
			|| error "$ssh_identity: SSH key file not found"
		opts+=( -i "$ssh_identity" )
	if [ "$ssh_logfile" ]; then
		file_mkdir "$ssh_logfile"
		opts+=( -E "$ssh_logfile" )

	! $ssh_background || opts+=( -f )
	! $ssh_no_stdin || opts+=( -n )
	! $ssh_no_login || opts+=( -N )
	! $ssh_force_pty || opts+=( -t )

	for map in "${ssh_remote_portmap[@]}"; do
		opts+=( -R "$map" )

	opts+=( "$(ssh_target)" )
	run ssh "${opts[@]}" "$@"

# run_ssh_sudo() - Runs ``sudo`` on a remote host via ``ssh``.
# This forces PTY allocation in order to read the user's password.
run_ssh_sudo() {
	local ssh_force_pty=true
	run_ssh sudo -- "$@"

ssh_deploy_file() {
	has_args 2 "$@"
	local src=$1
	local dst=$2

	local temp rtemp
	rtemp=$(basename "$temp")

	run_sudo cat "$src" | run_ssh "cat >'$rtemp'"
	run_ssh_sudo mv "$rtemp" "$dst"

# ``scp`` Support

# ssh_copy() - Copies a file to/from a remote host using ``scp``.
ssh_copy() {
	[ "$ssh_host" ] || error "$FUNCNAME: \$ssh_host is not set"
	local -a opts=( "${scp_opts[@]}" )
	[ -z "$ssh_port" ] || opts+=( -P "$ssh_port" )
	[ -z "$ssh_identity" ] || opts+=( -i "$ssh_identity" )
	run scp "${opts[@]}" "$@"

# ssh_copy_to() - Copies a file on the local host ($1) to a file on
# the current remote host ($2).
# $1 - Path on local host
# $2 - Path on remote host
ssh_copy_to() { has_args 2 "$@"; ssh_copy "$1" "$(ssh_target):$2"; }

# ssh_copy_from() - Copies a file on the current remote host ($1) to
# a local file ($2).
# $1 - Path on remote host
# $2 - Path on local host
ssh_copy_from() { has_args 2 "$@"; ssh_copy "$(ssh_target):$1" "$2"; }

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Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:35:53 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.23.0.