core/file: Library Dependencies
Passed to find(1) when called by file_find.
If set to true, output from file_find() will be sorted.
Name of default hashing program
Hashing algorithm output (see file_hash()).
Hashed file names (see file_hash()).
Hashed file sizes (see file_hash()).
Hashed file modes (see file_hash()).
Reads file ($2) into an array variable ($1)
Reads file ($1) and calls a command ($@) with lines as its arguments.
$1 - File name
$@ - Command to receive the file contents as arguments
Capture the output of a command ($@) to a temporary file, storing the name of the file in a named variable ($1).
$1 - Name of variable to receive the name of the temporary file.
$2 - Command to execute
$@ - Command arguments (optional)
Captures stdin to a temporary file, storing the name of the file in a named variable ($1).
$1 - Name of variable to receive the name of the temporary file.
Captures the output of a command ($@) and assigns its output to the given variable ($1).
$1 - Name of variable to receive output from the command.
$2 - Command to execute
$@ - Command arguments (optional)
Captures the output of a command ($@) and assigns its output to the given array variable ($1).
$1 - Name of array variable to receive lines from the command.
$2 - Command to execute
$@ - Command arguments (optional)
Wraps mkdir -p. This function should be used instead of the bare command in most cases.
Wraps pushd to be silent or report a useful error
Wraps popd to be silent
Runs the command ($@) after changing a new directory ($1).
$1 - New directory
$@ - Command to run
Creates directory portion of file name ($1).
Fills an array with names of things found by find(1). The $file_find_opts[] variable controls the behavior of this function, allowing additional arguments to be passed to find.
$1 - Name of array variable
$@ - Path names to search
Prints the size of the given file(s)
$@ - File names
Performs a existential test ($1) on the given files ($@) using the test shell command.
Returns success if the named fd ($1) is a terminal.
Runs the $file_hashbin program on the given files ($@).
Runs file_hash_raw() on the given files ($@) and reads the results in the named array variable ($1).
Loads the hash information for the given files ($@) into the file_hash_* arrays
Splits apart the hash results ($1) for a single file and appends the various pieces to the respective $file_hash_*[] arrays.
remove mode from name
Prints the stored hash information. This function exists primarily for verification purposes.
Prints stored hash information for a single file.
$1 - Index into $file_hash_*[] arrays
Scans the provided paths ($@) for duplicate files.
Checks an individual file for duplicity.
Prints the full list of duplicate files. The first of a group of duplicates files is prefixed with -; the remaining duplicates in the group are prefixed with +.
Calls file_duplicate_scan "$@" and stores the results in an array variable ($1).
Iterates through a list of duplicates, as produced by file_duplicate_scan_list(). For each duplicate, a given function ($1) will be called with two arguments: the original and duplicate file names.
Finds all duplicates and eliminates them by replacing them with symbolic links.
Finds all duplicates and eliminates them by replacing them with links.
Finds duplicates and deletes them.