# core/license - software license support
# The `core/license` library provides functions to display the licensing
# information for the package. The actual license details are encoded in
# the `core/license-parts` library.
set -e
lib_load 'core/license-parts'
# Internal Functions
# license_check_func() - Checks for a function that has the same root name as
# its caller and with a suffix of `_print`. Those functions are provided by
# the `core/license-parts` library and will only be present when the relevant
# portion of the license was provided by the developer.
license_check_func() {
local name="${FUNCNAME[1]}_print"
is_function "$name" || error "$name: license function not found"
# Public Interface
license_full_blurb() {
echo "Run '$script_name --license full' to read the full license."
# license_blurb() - Prints a short license message for the package.
license_blurb() {
local package_year=${package_build_date%%-*}
echo "Copyright (C) 2016-$package_year $package_author"
echo "Run '$script_name --license warranty' for warranty details."
# license_warranty() - Prints the warranty information for the package.
license_warranty() {
# license_full() - Prints the full license for the package.
license_full() {
local tmp=$(cmd_tempfile)
license_full_print >$tmp
${PAGER:-less} "$tmp"
Generated on Wed Jun 28 07:39:40 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.20.0.