# core/output - Bash Script Output Support
set -e
#; Output Settings
# Output Configuration
core_output_config_init() {
# $timestamps - If set to ``true``, prefixes `stderr` with a timestamp.
# Default: ``true``
lib_setting_vars timestamps
# $nanoseconds - If non-empty, timestamps will include nanoseconds.
# Default: `null`
lib_setting_vars --null nanoseconds
# $app_log_hook - Name of function that implements ``app_log_pipe``.
# Default: ``app_log_stub``
lib_setting_vars app_log_hook
# $error_usage_hook - Name of function that implements ``error_usage``.
# Default: ``error_usage_stub``
lib_setting_vars error_usage_hook
# Logging Hook
# app_log - Calls app_log_hook
app_log() { $app_log_hook "$@"; }
# script_log_pipe_stub - This definition is a temporary handler for debugging
# library loading. When the script library is loaded, it is replaced
# by the final version located therein.
app_log_stub() { cat; }
# Timestamps
# timestamp() - Prints a timestamp if ``$timestamps`` is `true`. If
# ``$nanoseconds`` is non-empty, the timestap will include nanoseconds.
timestamp() { ! $timestamps || date +"[%H:%M:%S${nanoseconds:+.%N}]"; }
# Basic Output
# _app_echo() - If logging is enabled, pipes the arguments ($@) to the
# logging function (``app_log()``); otherwise, this simply echos them.
_app_echo() { if $logging; then echo "$@" | app_log; else echo "$@"; fi; }
# app_echo() - Prints the arguments ($@), prefixed with ``timestamp()``.
app_echo() { _app_echo -e $(timestamp) "$*"; }
# app_echo_n() - Same as ``app_echo()`` but suppresses the trailing newline.
app_echo_n() { _app_echo -en $(timestamp) "$*"; }
# Namespace Output
# app_msg() - Prints arguments ($@) with ``app_echo()``, prefixed with the
# current command namespace.
app_msg() { app_echo "${script[*]} $*"; }
# app_msg_if() - Prints a message with ``app_msg()``
app_msg_if() {
local x=$1
if $x; then
app_msg "$@" >&2
app_msg "$@" >/dev/null
# Information, Warnings, and Errors
# error() - Prints an error message ($*) to `stderr` and (conditionally)
# displays a stack trace.
# Returns: Always returns `false`.
error() { app_msg_if true "ERROR: $*"; stack_trace; false; }
# warn() - Prints a warning message ($*) to `stderr` unless ``$quiet``
# is true.
warn() { app_msg_if $(func_bool_not $quiet) "WARN: $*"; }
# info() - Prints an information message ($*) to `stderr` if
# ``$verbose`` is true.
info() { app_msg_if $verbose "INFO: $*"; }
# debug() - Prints an debugging message ($*) to `stderr` if
# ``$verbose`` is true.
debug() { app_msg_if $debug "DEBUG: $*"; }
# Error Usage Hook
# error_usage() - Prints an error ($*) and current command usage.
error_usage() { $error_usage_hook "$@"; }
# error_usage_stub() - This stub prints an unadorned error; the
# `core/commands`_ library provides a version to print the usage
# information.
# .. _core/commands: ../core/commands.html
error_usage_stub() { error "$1"; }
# Assertions
_assert() {
local _efunc=$1
local _err=$2
shift 2
"$@" || $_efunc "$_err"
# assert() - Calls ``error()`` with a message ($1) if a command ($@)
# does not return success.
assert() { _assert error "$@"; }
# assert_usage() - Same as ``assert()`` but calls ``error_usage()``
# instead of ``error()``.
assert_usage() { _assert error_usage "$@"; }
# Stack Traces
# stack_raw() - Prints the current stack in its raw form: the built-in
# variables that describe it.
stack_raw() {
echo "FUNCNAME=( ${FUNCNAME[*]} )"
echo "BASH_LINENO=( ${BASH_LINENO[*]} )"
# stack_trace() - Prints the current stack, if ``$debug`` is `true`.
stack_trace() {
debug "Stack trace:"
local depth="${#FUNCNAME[@]}"
for_each _stack_dump $(seq 2 $(($depth - 1)))
_stack_dump() {
local frame=$1
local func="${FUNCNAME[$frame]}"
local file=${BASH_SOURCE[$frame]}
local lineno="${BASH_LINENO[$(($frame - 1))]}"
debug "$((frame - 2)): $func ($file:$lineno)"
Generated on Tue Jul 4 17:00:23 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.21.0.