# dev/package/env - package development enviroment support
set -e
lib_load 'dev/package/load'
# Package development environment
package_env_bash() {
local deactivate="${PKG}_env_deactivate"
local helpcmd="${PKG}_help"
local ide_cmds="${PKG}_cmds"
local ide_help="${PKG}_cmds_usage"
local path="$EXEC_PREFIX/bin"
local PATH="${PATH/$path:/}"
local PS1=$(bash -i -c 'echo $PS1')
local PS2=$(bash -i -c 'echo $PS2')
cat <<ENV
# Use this function to restore the old PATH and prompts
$deactivate() {
export PATH='$PATH'
export PS1='$PS1 '
export PS2='$PS2 '
unalias mcenv mcgrep mcsed mcfake mcloud mcdebug mcinstall
unset -f mcrepair mctest mcfunc mcalias
echo "$PKG environment deactivated. Thank you, come again!"
# Add the installed scripts to the PATH and set the prompts
export PATH='$path:$PATH'
export PS1='($PKG) $PS1 '
export PS2='($PKG) $PS2 '
declare -ga $ide_cmds=()
declare -gA $ide_help=()
$helpcmd() {
echo "Development Environment Commands:"
local i
for i in "\${$ide_cmds[@]}"; do
echo " \$i \${$ide_help[\$i]}"
mcfunc() {
$ide_cmds+=( \$1 )
mcalias() {
alias \$1="\$2"
mcfunc "\$1" "\$3"
# Useful aliases:
mcalias mcenv 'eval "\$(make env)"' "Reload this environment"
mcalias mcgrep 'd12 grep' "Run 'd12 grep'"
mcalias mcsed 'd12 sed' "Run 'd12 sed'"
mcalias mcfake 'mctest env pretend=true' 'Simulate a command'
mcalias mcloud 'mctest env verbose=true' 'Run a verbose command'
mcalias mcdebug 'mctest env debug=true' 'Debug a command'
mcalias mcinstall 'make -s install' "Run 'make install'"
mcfunc mcrepair 'Repair a broken script library'
mcrepair() { cp -av "libs/\$1.in" "install/share/$PKG/\$1.sh"; }
mcfunc mctest 'Repair a broken script library'
mctest() { mcinstall && "\$@"; }
echo "$PKG environment is now active. Run '$deactivate' to deactivate it."
echo "For help using this development environment, run '$helpcmd'."
# If you can see this comment, trying running the command again, as the
# argument to 'eval' (e.g. 'eval "\$(make env)"' or 'eval "\$(i7 env)"').
package_env_python() { error "not implemented"; }
Generated on Tue Jul 4 17:00:36 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.21.0.