dev/package/check: Library Dependencies
- Saves the repository revision that was checked.
This function performs the actions required for implementing the distcheck rule in a package Makefile. Its goal is to verify that the package distribution archives work from beginning to the end. This is accomplished by the following steps:
$1 - Test directory
- Runs check-archive rule in the test directory.
This function performs the actions required for implementing the check-archive rule in a package Makefile. Its goal is to verify that a package distribution archive can be extracted, built, and tested. This is accomplished by the following steps:
$1 - Test directory
- Prepares the distribution archive for testing: - Removes the old test directory, if it exists.
- Extracts the archive to the test directory
- Builds and checks the extracted package archive
- Extracts the archive
- Moves extracted package directory to testing location
- Bootstrap script builds everything
- Built-in test suites pass
- Cleanup rules remove all generated files
- Cleans up the test directory