# dev/package/install - Package Installation Support
set -e
lib_load 'dev/package/dist'
lib_load 'dev/gen/bash'
# Library Configuration
dev_package_install_config_init() {
# $package_install_tarext - Extension to use for tarballs.
# See the ``sys/tool/tar`` library for popular options.
# Default: ``tar.gz``
lib_setting_vars package_install_tarext
dev_package_install_config_check() {
# Local Host
# package_install_local() - Performs a local installation of the given
# package version ($1).
package_install_local() {
has_args 1 "$@"
local version=$1
local tmp
package_install_script_local "$version" >"$tmp"
local tarext=$package_install_tarext
local archive=$(package_dist_tarname "" "$version" $tarext)
local distfile="$(package_dist_reldir "$version")/$archive"
[ -f "$distfile" ] || error "$archive: does not exist"
info "localhost: $PKG v$version: extracting..."
run cp -a "$distfile" "$cmd_tempdir"
info "localhost: $PKG v$version: installing..."
(cd "$cmd_tempdir" && run_sudo bash $tmp)
info "localhost: $PKG v$version: ... done!"
# Remote Host
# package_install_remote() - Performs a remote installation of the given
# package version ($1).
package_install_remote() {
min_args 2 "$@"
local version=$1
if [ ${#*} -gt 1 ]; then
for_each "package_install_remote $PKG $version" "$@"
local name=$1
app_echo "remote: $name: $PKG v$version: installing..."
# generate installer script
local tmp
package_install_script_remote "$version" >"$tmp"
local remote_installer="${PKG}_${version}_auto_install.sh"
local tarext=$package_install_tarext
local archive=$(package_dist_tarname '' "$version" $tarext)
local distfile="$(package_dist_reldir "$version")/$archive"
[ -f "$distfile" ] || error "$archive: does not exist"
lib_load 'net/remote'
app_echo "$name: $PKG: scrubbing previous installer files"
remote_run "$name" rm -fr "$remote_installer" "$archive"*
app_echo "$name: $PKG: copying files"
remote_copy_to "$name" "$tmp" "$remote_installer"
remote_copy_to "$name" "$distfile" "$archive"
app_echo "$name: $PKG: running remote installer"
remote_sudo "$name" bash "$remote_installer"
app_echo "$name: $PKG v$version: ... done!"
# Install Script Support
# package_install_script_header() - Generates header for a script.
package_install_script_header() {
local version=$1
gen_bash_header "$@"
cat <<HEADER
set -x
# package_install_script_common() - Generates script to extract tarball,
# bootstrap it, install it, and then clean up after itself.
package_install_script_common() {
cat <<SCRIPT
${PKG}_package_install() {
local dirname=\$1
rm -rf "\$dirname"
tar -xf "\$dirname.$package_install_tarext"
cd "\$dirname"
rm system.i7
make --quiet install
cd ..
rm -r "\$dirname"
${PKG}_package_install "\$pkgvers"
# Install Scripts
# package_install_script_net() - Generates script to install on the local host.
package_install_script_local() {
has_args 1 "$@"
local version=$1
local name="${PKG}-${version}-install"
local desc="${PKG} local installer"
package_install_script_header "$version" "$name" "$desc"
# package_install_script_remote() - Generates script to install on a remote host
package_install_script_remote() { package_install_script_local "$@"; }
# Network Install Script
# package_install_script_net() - Generates script to download a package
# tarball and install it on the local machine.
package_install_script_net() {
has_args 1 "$@"
local version=$1
local name="${PKG}-${version}-net-install"
local desc="${PKG} network installer"
package_install_script_header "$version" "$name" "$desc"
# package_install_script_net_download() - Generates the portion of a
# network installer script that downloads the package tarball from
# the location specified by the package settings.
# The download URL is generated from the following package settings:
package_install_script_net_download() {
cat <<SCRIPT
${PKG}_package_download() {
local dirname=\$1
local tarext="$package_install_tarext"
[ ! -f "\$dirname.\$tarext" ] || return 0
wget "\$urlbase/releases/\$dirname/\$dirname.\$tarext"
${PKG}_package_download "\$pkgvers"
# All-In-One Installer Script
# package_install_script_complete() - Generates a script that contains
# the distribution files for the given package version ($1) encoded
# as a here document that can extract itself when the installer is run.
# $1 - Package version
# This function performs the following steps to generate the script:
package_install_script_complete() {
has_args 1 "$@"
local version=$1
# - Generates but saves the contents function. We do this
# first, as it will fail if the distribution file is missing.
local tmp
local func=package_install_script_complete_contents
file_capture_func tmp "$func" "$version"
# - Prints the script header
local name="${PKG}-${version}-net-install"
local desc="${PKG} network installer"
package_install_script_header "$version" "$name" "$desc"
# - Prints the saved function that contains the encoded
# distribution contents.
cat "$tmp"
# - Prints a function to unpack the embedded script contents.
# - Prints a function to performs the local installation
# package_install_script_complete_unpack() - Generates portion of all-in-one
# installer script that unpacks the embedded distribution files.
package_install_script_complete_unpack() {
cat <<SCRIPT
${PKG}_package_unpack() {
local dirname=\$1
${PKG}_package_contents >"\$dirname.$package_install_tarext"
${PKG}_package_unpack "\$pkgvers"
# package_install_script_complete_contents() - Generates the portion of
# all-in-one installer script that contains the embedded distribution
# contents. The package files are embedded as an encoded here document
# that decodes its contents when called.
# $1 - Version of package distribution to include in the installer script.
package_install_script_complete_contents() {
local version=$1
local name="${PKG}_package_contents"
local docs="Outputs the decoded package distribution contents."
local tarext=$package_install_tarext
local file=$(package_dist_tarfile '' "$version" "$tarext")
[ -f "$file" ] || error "$file: distribution file not found"
gen_bash_here_func "$name" "$docs" "$file"
Generated on Sat Jul 8 19:40:11 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.22.0.