
Package Release Publishing

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dev/package/publish: Library Dependencies

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Package Publishing Wizards


Automates uploading the packages to the project publishing website.

$1 - Package version

This function performs the following individual steps:

  • Publishes package distribution files
  • Publishes package documentation
  • Publishes package installers
  • Locks all published files


Updates the current package links on the project publishing website and announces them.

$1 - Package version

$2 - Release branch

This function performs the following individual steps:

  • Publishes updated links to the newly published version
  • Publishes package release announcements

SSH Publishing Support


Publishes files using rsync via SSH. This remote host and pat are specified by the $PUBLISH_SSH_HOST and $PUBLISH_SSH_PATH settings in the package configuration files.

$1 - Source path

$2 - Destination path


Runs a command on the publishing host.

$@ - Command to run.


Prints the name of the published release directory ($1) for the given version ($2)

$1 - Directory name (installers, releases, docs)

$2 - Package version


Runs a publishing function ($1) for each published release directory of a given version ($2).

$1 - Command to run

$2 - Package version

Published File Permissions


Locks published files for the given package version ($1).


Locks the published release directory ($1) for the given version ($2)

$1 - Directory name (installers, releases, docs)

$2 - Package version


Unlocks published files for the given package version ($1).


Unlocks the published release directory ($1) for the given version ($2)

$1 - Directory name (installers, releases, docs)

$2 - Package version

Publishing Cleanup


Removes all published files for the given package version ($1).

$1 - Package version


Removes the published release directory ($1) for the given version ($2)

$1 - Directory name (installers, releases, docs)

$2 - Package version

Distribution Files Publishing


Publishes distribution tarballs for the given package version ($1).

$1 - Package version

Documentation Publishing


Publishes documentation for the given package version ($1).

$1 - Package version

Installer Publishing


Publishes installers for the given package version ($1).

$1 - Package version

Announcement Publishing

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Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:37:47 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.23.0.