
Python virtualenv Tool Support

Script Overview

This library encapsulates the Python virtualenv tool to provide an interface for managing virtual environment directories.

Dependency Graph

sys/tool/virtualenv: Library Dependencies

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Prints path to a private virtual environment for the given directory ($1).


Prints path to a private virtual environment for the given directory ($1).



Activates the private virtual environment for the given directory ($1).

find activation script or create it

load the activation script in this shell



Creates a private virtual environment for the given directory ($1). If the environment exists, this does nothing, to avoid disrupting it.


Updates the private virtual environment for the given directory ($1). If the environment does not exist, it will be created in that directory.


Deletes the private virtual environment for the given directory ($1). Since the environment exists inside that directory, this function must be called before removing it.

easy_install Support


Uses easy_install to install Python packages from PyPI, version control, local projects, or distribution files.

Each target may be specified using one of the following forms:

  • <module>[-<version>]
  • svn://<url> or {http,https}://<url>
  • git+{http,https,ssh}://<url>
  • bzr+{http,https}://<url>
  • hg+{http,https}://<url>

Where the url may be of the form:


The easy_install tool extends the url specification with the following optional components:

  • @<tag>: Specifies the branch/tag/version
  • #egg=<module>: Specifies the module name

For more information, see the pip user guide:

$@ - List of package targets

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Generated on Fri Jul 28 14:38:45 PDT 2017 by mcsh d14 v0.23.0.